
Soup Season

My Favorite Spot in the House?
When I did this watercolor sketch, the stove was new and it was soup season.  It's the beginning of soup season again, so this seemed appropriate to post.  

I have neglected this blog for at least two years.  Short breaks sometimes have a way of turning into a long stretch of neglect.   When I got back to my blog again, I was going to spiff it up and do all the "fancy" things other bloggers do  -   Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, links to everything out there, moving parts .  .  .  .  That's not going to happen.  I'm just moving on here, as is.

It's the day after Labor Day, and it feels like someone flipped the "change seasons" button. 
I have some summer sketchbook pages I'll be posting  -  maybe that will stretch summer out a little.


straythreads said...

I'm glad you are back! Missed you

Catherine said...

Thanks! It feels good to be back.