
Painting with Isabelle

Late Summer Flowers in my Sketchbook
Just a quick little sketch while sitting on the porch painting with Youngest Granddaughter a few days ago.  She did some bright and colorful things to cut out and decorate the porch walls.

It still feels like summer here.  It is fabulous!!!

As my classes slow down and I fill my life with other fun and creative things, I'm thinking maybe this year I'll avoid the annual autumn-crash-and-burn.  I have a list of goals for the winter, a couple of deadlines, classes and workshops lined up, a volunteer thing I do (tiny  -  I need to ramp it up), and the life drawing group I go to once a week.  Speaking of life drawing  -  can I show that stuff on this blog?   Yes, of course, I know I can  -  this is the Internet  -  I can do anything.

It's Thursday  -  spaghetti night at the Carey's.  Then I am off to paint with friend Karen.


Elizabeth B Merriman said...

I love the simplicity and design of this page... e

Marj said...

Yes! please post some of your "life drawings" Maybe I can learn something from it too. I am trying to practice out of a drawing book--faces are so hard.

Catherine said...

Thanks Oma! By the way - I love the sketch of your bedroom bookcase.

Marj - you won't learn anything from me! I'm not doing too much with the face - it's just all the other body parts that I'm trying to get in the right place.

There is no instruction - we are just a group using someone's studio space and sharing the cost of the model.