

Sketches on Nideggen Paper in my Sketchbook
"Salt Shaker .  .  .  ." leads to another salt shaker a few pages on in the sketchbook.  I'll post it later.

We spent a nice long weekend downstate, and I came across a lot of salt shakers to draw.  Of course, after a while they become repetitive, and they are almost all dented.  Does every salt and pepper shaker in every restaurant in the world get dropped on the floor?  What's with that? 

We covered both sides of the state with my brother and sister-in-law, meeting up with old friends at Meijer Gardens on the west side and our son at Selfidge Air Force Base on the east side.  We had one whole day of shopping at those fun places that we don't have up here in the "north woods"  -  the paper/bookbinding store, Trader Joe's, Ikea, etc.  Now I think I need a couple of days to recover! My brother claims we drove almost 900 miles.  We could have been past Omaha.  If we had wanted to be past Omaha.


Marj said...

I like your lemonade with the ice cubes in it! Also, I just bought Nideggon (?) paper with Aquarius II for my next "bound book" (from DanielSmith) instead of sketch paper. Wish I could've visited the bookbinding store with you (for guidance :-) Yes, salt shakers certainly are varied!
Glad you're back!

Barb Robinson said...

Your paintings are so inspiring, I am really entranced! Your blog entries make you seem like an old friend now. Thanks to your wonderful postings, I am developing the courage to paint more, and more simply. I am less discouraged, because I now see the joy of avoiding too much scrutiny of each painting. Thanks so much!