This is, of course, a dozen brown eggs. A watercolor painted across the page in a small, square Travel-Log sketch book.
I must admit, I didn't do this today. I did spend a good (and it was good!) part of the day with some dear friends. Sometimes when we get together we paint or sketch or do some fun project, and sometimes we just talk about what we've been doing, what we want to do, what we need to do. We pass around our sketchbooks and our finished or unfinished paintings, and encourage each other to keep at it, and praise each other's successes.
And of course we eat. A couple of times.
Don't ask me why I thought a little painting of a dozen eggs was appropriate for today. Everything doesn't have to have a reason. I had to have something. Hey, I am half way through the blog-everyday-for-the-month-of-November thing. Thanks to everyone who has been checking out my blog!
Now I am going to go try to find the big long list I made that has everything on it that I need to have done by the first of the week. It's not in my calendar, it's not on my desk . . . This is exactly why I USUALLY write this kind of thing on colored paper. Usually.
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