
November 11th

Gray Skies  -  and Unseasonably Warm Weather
The colors today have been very subdued  -  except for the yellow slash of sky early this morning.  It has been very warm  -  strangely warm for this time of year. No one is complaining!  We took a two mile walk down by the waterfront, and and did a few last minute outdoor chores.  A lot of people were out on the walking trails today  -  it may be our last chance at weather like this for a few months.

I always intend to record the sky on a regular basis.  We live on a hill, and in the winter we have a pretty good view across the rooftops and across the Bay.  There is a beautiful steeple in our view that changes with the light.  I am not good at sticking with things, so maybe this is it for my sky series.

Have you sketched this weekend?


Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Wonderful post

We share a sky...I also saw the sliver at sunrise hundreds of miles away. I thought to take a picture, but I have so many of that view I didn't. Sweater weather here in Vermont today, gorgeous warm weather.

Anonymous said...

its beautiful and yes I have, I sketch everyday,

Catherine said...

Thanks Maywyn. We are back to cold weather now, but that warm day was wonderful.

Laurie - good for you! I always intend to sketch everyday, but sometime I just let something else get in the way.