
Christmas Cactus

Thanksgiving Cactus?
This cactus just seems to pick a holiday  -  any holiday.

It was unseasonably warm and we had a a very brief thunder storm.  We can expect serious snow any day now, so I enjoyed today - rain and all.  I ran all over the place today errands - even had a flu shot.

 I have a Thanksgiving grocery list that I use year after year (we don't experiment with Thanksgiving dinner here!), but what I really need is a Thanksgiving WEEK grocery list.  I am NOT a multi-tasker, so while I am thinking about Thanksgiving dinner, the rest of the week falls by the wayside.  It wouldn't be that hard to do, would it?  For next year.  Too late for this year  -  I am already into the cooking-for-Thursday-mode.

What are your plans for the week?  Are you traveling?  Are guests coming?  Are you taking your sketchbook to dinner?


Marj said...

Today I went to Hollander's for some book boards they cut for me:-)
Tues Pick up TurkeyS--Cliff & I stuff & roast them,etc. Dinner at Youngest Daughter's (biggest house:-) 34 of us counting Betty & Bill's fam. Everyone brings a part of the dinner (same every year). Wishng you & fam. a Wonderful Thankful Thanksgiving with love.

Sand Hill Art said...

My husband won't eat turkey so this year, because he is very ill, we went all out and bought lobsters and filet mignon, and will eat in front of the TV and watch the Lions lose again!!!
Happy Turkey Day to all artists and their families.

Catherine said...

Marj - how many turkeys does it take to feed 34 people!? Wishing you and your fam a wonderful Thanksgiving also.

Sally - I'm so sorry to hear your husband is ill. Enjoy the lobster and fillet mignon - and may the Lions win this one!

Suspinz: Dabbler in Many Things said...

Beautiful depiction of the Thanksgiving cactus. I have several that I bought for Mother last year. She died last March and those plants are covered with bloom right now, so I'm constantly reminded of her in a lovely way. They (or one) would make a nice journal page.

Catherine said...

Suspinz - several cactus in bloom at once would be just beautiful! What a nice reminder of your mother.