

This is a watercolored ink contour drawing done in my journal.
I have never done stamping in my life, but for some reason I felt as though I really NEEDED alphabet stamps. When I was picking them out, I must have looked baffled, because a young mom came along and said, "Oh, are you just getting started in this? Here, you need this and this and . . ." When she went to another aisle I just picked up the alphabet and a stamp pad and headed for the checkout. I don't need more stuff and I don't need more stuff to do - but how sweet of her.

It has been snowing all day today. It really is quite pretty. I felt very holiday-like as I cleaned the fridge.

1 comment:

Marj said...

There's that lovely "Heather Lane" Vase I mentioned. Great designs on their stuff. Looks attractive with your brushes in there--you make them seem like a bouquet of flowers. I like the daily blogging!