Is it possible? Is summer almost over? I'm feeling a little sad about that - I didn't do all the summer things we think we are supposed to do. I didn't picnic enough. I didn't even get my feet wet in the Bay. I didn't grill at all. I didn't pick enough flowers . . . . .
But you know - it was pretty great after all. I don't like getting wet. I'm not that good at grilling. I enjoyed my cutting garden just growing there and looking beautiful. And we did have a couple of really great family picnics.
I did what I do - I had lots of summer classes, and I had an absolutely wonderful time doing them. I met soooo many nice people, renewed old acquaintances, and kept the momentum going with year-round students.
I had an email today from someone who said I had given her the courage to participate in a plein air "paint out" and exhibition. Wow - how nice of her to tell me that! And how nice for her that she did it! I'm proud of her! I'm proud of everyone that took a painting class even though they found the idea a little intimidating, and I'm proud of everyone that takes a sketchbook out there into the world and DRAWS and PAINTS! If you have an interest in painting, just doing it enriches your life in ways you wouldn't have dreamed. But that's another post - maybe the next book, huh?
This little painting was done in my Aquabee sketchbook in Bay View Memorial Garden, the last day of the last class . . .
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