
November 23rd

In my Own Little World
Is this the cutest little towel you've ever seen in your life?  A friend found it in a gift shop and brought it to me.

Here it is, the day after Thanksgiving, and we are still eating.  A tradition in our family is for everyone to come back the day after Thanksgiving and have leftovers.  Some of us did a little shopping, some of us went to work, and all  of us ate a lot.

Happy Day after Thanksgiving!


Marj said...

What a cute towel! Says it all...
We also are into our "leftovers" after a busy 25-person (all family) dinner :-) We were all at my daughter's home--but Cliff & I still do the turkey(s) two 18-lb.ers. And the gravy and Stuffing. What fun--!

Catherine said...

Marj - Cathy Cohen gave me the towel :) 25 people for dinner - wow. Where do you cook TWO turkeys?