
Clouds 4

View From the Back Yard
This is a cartoon-like painting with ink on Strathmore 400 drawing paper. It started out as a contour drawing.

After a great weekend of spending one day doing nothing, one day doing chores, and one day with family,  I guess it is back to real life for a few days  -  until the next weekend.  Which is real life  -  the weekends or the weekdays?  Of course it is the combination and the balance of the two, but balance is sometimes just beyond me.

There are some beautiful clouds again today, and strong winds are predicted for this afternoon, so the clouds could be moving faster than I can paint. As I'm typing this, the sky is getting darker and the wind is picking up.  While the sun is still in the east and the dark clouds are moving in from the west, we can get some pretty dramatic skys, but I could do without the drama of the winds of a couple of days ago.  The city hasn't cleaned up the damage from that yet, so I am looking forward to that distraction some time today.  I'm serious  -  I love distractions.


Marj said...

I just posted a sketch/painting of some clouds last Friday as we were driving downtown. We are getting some interesting formations. It's fun to do--but they move, move, move :-)
Today the sky is pure blue, but I think some clouds are coming.
Always love your paintings!

Catherine said...

Thanks Marj. for sharing it with us. It's beautiful!