I am posing here in black and white with my colored pencils - I was probably about five years old. They were wonderful - the nice, rich colored, waxy kind. I wouldn't use crayons, in fact I actually felt sorry for the kids that didn't know the pleasure of owning a big set of beautiful pencils. I have never been a colored pencil artist, but those "sticks" of wonderful colors are nice to have in my life. You can still buy these (and I do) in sets or individually.
My bike, my doll house, and my colored pencils were the outstanding possessions of my childhood. I don't care for bike riding anymore (we live up a hill!), my doll house is in the attic, but my colored pencils are still with me! I just bought a couple sets of Pitt Brush Pens - very colorful - and like the pencils, they are just nice to look at whether I am using them or not. Of course, using them is what it's all about.
Look at those bangs!
lucky girl!! Color pencils are my favorite...I get the cheap ones, I think I wouldn't have the heart to use really nice ones.
I'd buy them and just admire them:)
What a fun picture. I love those kinds of glimpses into childhood. :)
Great job on this weeks theme and welcome! I Loved the photo.
welcome to sf! the picture is so nice! greetings from germany!
What a fun picture!!!
I have some of those colored pencils, and YES, I had those bangs too! LOL
I was the proud owner of a set of 36 Derwent coloured pencils when I was a kid. They were so special that my father would sharpen them with his pocket knife. No crude pencil sharpener for THESE hallowed tools! I felt so rich when I opened the box and saw those neat rows.
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