
Another Salt Shaker

Salt Shaker at the "Sugar Bowl" Restaurant

A few posts back  Michelle asked what the five colors are in my little palette.  The palette pictured here is my seven color palette. I use a very limited palette anyway, so using only five or seven is not a big deal.  Here I have cobalt violet, quinacridone rose, ultramarine blue, hansa yellow, manganese blue, thalo yellow-green, and thalo green yellow shade.  If I were to suggest a very basic palette for sketchbook journal painting, I would say ultramarine blue, lemon yellow, quinacridone rose (or permanent rose), hookers green, and burnt sienna.

Do you find it odd that I am discussing color along with this image using one color?  I do too.


annie said...

No, not a bit odd, Catherine. All of us who follow artists on the Internet love to watch how colors play out on a post and hear all about them. So glad that we have each other because otherwise I'd bore my friends and family to death about palettes.


Catherine said...

Annie, isn't it just great to have online artist friends all over the world? And you're right - it makes it a lot easier on our families:)