In the finished painting I simplified some things and added color.
I used the sketch as reference, not the photo. I like to use a sketch because it doesn't lock my brain into any colors - just the lights and darks. The colors come from the way I felt about the subject as I was sitting there.
I felt as if I had fallen down a bit on the perspective on the right side in the sketch. By the time I got to that side I had had enough of figuring out rooftops and I was getting a little distracted by the time. I figured the photo would give me all the information I needed to get the rooftops correct. But when I went to work out the composition, I wasn't crazy about the right end of the rooftop anyway - it still felt awkward to me, even in the photo. Not really awkward as in incorrect, but I felt it really didn't need to be there at all.
I have been trying to get used to a new brush - Cheap Joe's Silver Black Velvet Oval
I think I'm going to like it. I have seen some people do some pretty nice things with it - SO I AM GOING TO TOO. It holds a lot of water and pigment, but also does a nice dry-brush.
The painting is 11X15, watercolor on Arches 140 cold press. The sketch is done on Bogus Rough Sketch paper with drawing pencils and a white prisma color pencil.