
Working with a Triad

Today's Demonstration  -  lower left painting
Keeping in mind that this was just a trial run, I sketched and painted this very quickly, using a large brush.  I learned from the first two sketches what I did and didn't want to do as far as lights and darks and balance.

I knew I needed to get rid of the bright white porch pillars.  In the two-color painting (on the right) I scrubbed around a bit to dull down the white, but knew the three identical shapes just didn't work, dulled or not.

For the full color sketch, lower left, I used only three colors  -  you can see them in the little mixing saucer.  The colors are ultramarine blue, quinacridone red, and hansa yellow. If I'm painting with a triad, I like to keep them separate from  my regular palette, because, without thinking, I will just start grabbing for other colors.

The colors in the painting got a little muddy, and I'm not pleased yet with the foliage at the top.  I have to do the same demonstration again tomorrow, so I'll see what I can do to fix those problems.

By the way  -  isn't that little saucer the cutest thing you've ever seen in your life?!  A friend bought some in England.  We all fell in love with them, so she called the store and had them ship some to us.  I think they are called china tinting saucers.  I really don't know what they are used for, but I thought they were perfect for triads.  The fourth space is good for keeping a neutral mix going.