It felt just wonderful to sit out in the sun and paint the little crocus blossoms - white - my favorite.
I crossed a few things off my to-do list today - that felt good too. One of the things on the list was to go to the greenhouse and get some primrose plants for this week's classes. I used great restraint - I only bought one yellow primrose and one blue-violet pansy. Then I went to the grocery and bought some large luscious strawberries to put in the still life with the plants. Do you see the lesson here? Primary colors?
I went to the bank and made a deposit (see, I told you it was a good day) and then to the post office where I actually had mail in my box - nothing exciting, but at least there was mail for ME (did I mention THAT THE POST OFFICE HAD RENTED MY BOX TO SOMEONE ELSE!!!! and all of my mail was being returned to sender).
I activated my new phone. Not a bad experience.
I bought a new overnight sized wheelie bag for an upcoming trip to Chicago to see the Winslow Homer exhibition.
And that's about it. Sorry to bore you with the small details of my day, but the sunshine after a loooong winter does that to me. I think it is all about getting a little hyper when things go well and it is beginning to feel like spring may be here after all.
Note to self - Plant more crocus bulbs in the fall.