A Very Quick Contour Drawing of my Drawing Table
Trying to pay attention to the negative spaces - the spaces between things.
This drawing looks as if I wasn't paying much attention to anything, but, hey, there is a lot going on with this table.
I decided to paint my drawing table semi-gloss black, and I love it. It was a little tricky because there are a LOT of pieces to it, and I was afraid if I took it apart, I wouldn't get it back together. So, I took off one part at a time and didn't paint its corresponding part until it was painted and replaced. Yeah, I know, a little nutty and time consuming, but it worked.
Tonight we are attending Middle Granddaughter's Christmas program at school. That's what I love about living in snowy northern Michigan - you never know when a scheduled event will actually take place. Cancellations because of weather definitely keep things interesting.
Are you sketching?