All the 6th graders keep Eco-Journals with detailed information and drawings. One of their teachers thought it would be fun if they were comfortable doing color and illustrating landscapes, with a zoom in or out option on a focal point. That's where I came in. I did four classes this morning and will do four on Friday. I had picked a slide that I thought would be good for this purpose - painting the lightest brightest first, painting in a dark background that pops out the trees in just a few strokes, and adding just a bit of texture over a color without going crazy putting in leaves, pine needles, blades of grass. . .
The kids were wonderful! They were very attentive, asked great questions, and did some fantastic paintings! I painted this same scene four times in four hours. This is the first one and I won't bore you with the other three.
I have been playing around a little with Power Point Presentation. I had never paid any attention to it until it came up a couple of times in reference to some things I am doing. So after looking over the tutorial, I thought "Of course I can do that". So my poor husband now has to listen to me fuss and sputter through the whole thing. Anyway - it worked out great for this. I put the pictures I had taken on Power Point, saved them to a jump drive for a back-up, then emailed them to the teacher. She then emailed them to the other teachers, so they all have the slide show of the pictures we will be working from. Yeah, I know - most people have been doing this for years, but I am very slow to adapt to, and adopt, technology. I am excited to try this for a bigger project I have coming up.
Wow - aren't you glad I am blogging everyday for the month of November? I just can't shut up!