Just a little sketchy drawing of my tube of cobalt violet. I love this color mixed with manganese blue for great shadow colors. That mix can be grayed with a little Quinacridone Gold. The three of them together are a bright and different triad.
Can you tell I am gearing up for classes? They start tomorrow, and we are going to be working with triads (variations of the three primary colors) In this case cobalt violet would stand in as the red, manganese is the blue, and quinacridone gold is the yellow. I could go on and on about triads - but not tonight.
We did the Christmas tree this evening. I don't know if we have ever done it this early. It seems as though everyone else has had theirs up for a couple of weeks, so, not to be outdone . . . well, I guess we already were. I suppose shopping is next. I'm not really a shopper, even if it is fun stuff like Christmas presents. And I don't bake cookies. I don't like wrapping gifts. I sound like a real scrooge, don't I!? My husband is a good shopper. I have a few recipes for things that can just be mixed up - not baked. I can "wrap" in gift bags. I saw on someone's blog a tutorial for a beautiful gift wrap. Maybe if I really tried, I would learn to like it.