“Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.”
Robert Fulghum
Robert Fulghum
I posted this picture and quote in November of 2007. I was thinking about this quote and looked it up. Isn't it interesting how things seem to repeat themselves at the same time of year over and over - in our brains, that is. Is there something in me that questions the balance of my life every year in November?
Today, according to Robert Fulghum, I was a little unbalanced. It felt good to me, and it's my balance we're talking about here.
How's the balance of your life? Did you draw and paint some? I must admit - I didn't.
Yep!!! Was "drawing in Church" this a.m. :-) Sat behind a gal with the most lovely auburn hair down to her waist--Wow, I just had to draw it! (p.s. I did take sermon notes on the same page :-)
Is that balanced?
I still need to watercolor it.
Does talking about painting count? A friend and I talked about perspective, contour drawing, how difficult it can be to draw exactly what you see, how to mix just the right shade of green and where to go for a good bar burger. All of this while sipping a nice winter white wine. I think it counts.
Yes! Both of you - balanced!!!
a little out of balance at the moment. Not as much sketching, painting, or even reading as I think I need. Maybe I'll get some more balance over the long weekend!!
Blessings to you for a wonderful Thanksgiving.
I'm thankful for "Art" as an outlet for balance!
Well, if we could draw, sip wine AND sit in church, that would be pretty cool. Maybe not balanced, but I bet attendance would be up! Love the photo Catherine - is that Petoskey in the background? p.s. Almost Thanksgiving, and my girls all had on shorts today... just sayin...
I sat the entire day staring at the white walls of my cubicle at work. So no balance today. Fresh resolutions are made every morning though! I love the picture :)
Claire - blessings to you too, for a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Margaret - the wine in church? It's called communion lol! Wearing shorts! How warm is it?
Vaishnavi - I think you need to decorate your cubicle!
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