
In the Backyard

Sitting in the Sun

It feels soooo good to be sitting in the sun! It feels soooo good to be making workshop plans for the summer. I always dread getting all the info together and trying to make sense of a schedule so other people can understand it, but once I get going, I love it!

This morning I was planning an afternoon tea/watercolor journal workshop at one of the historic inns in the neighborhood. Does that sound fun or what?! As soon as I figure out how to say it so you will understand it (it's not you ~ it's me), I will post it.

In the previous post I mentioned that I needed a reminder to tell me to check my calendar and to-do list. Well, I haven't figured that out yet, and yesterday I forgot a meeting. It's kind of like I didn't forget the meeting as much as I forgot to go!!! Sad, huh? I knew earlier in the day that I was going to the meeting, but the next time I remembered it, it was too late. Oooops.


Gwendolyn said...

Love your picture. Also love the idea of a watercolor workshop in an historic inn beginning or ending with tea ... How I would love to have a traditional English cream tea!

For forgetting meetings: or, rather, for REMEMBERING meetings. Set up a Google Calendar. Then you can specify as many alarms as you need, and you can specify whether the alarm is an email, a pop-up or a TEXT to your cellphone. The cellphone options at least MAKES NOISE. foflol! And you can have all three types of reminder for every meeting, if you wish. And, of course, you can have no reminder if that is appropriate.

Catherine said...

Gwendolyn - thanks. We will actually be painting during the tea. They will be serving on the china original to the inn, and they have ordered some beautiful new teapots.

"as many alarms as you need" may be the key here. One the day before and one the morning of is just not makin' it. Thanks for the suggestions.

Marj said...

Catherine, I just read your profile again and in the past year have agreed (for me) that MY passion is watercolor journaling. So glad you introduced this to me.
Keeps one from feeling like one needs to do a "masterpiece" every time. We're in the Smoky Mountains right now and I'm sketching and watercoloring and journaling. Lots of Wildflowers--and Cliff loves to photograph stuff :-)

Catherine said...

Marj - you two must be having a wonderful time. So glad you are journaling and loving it!

Gwendolyn said...

Also, with Google Calendars, you can have a calendar for your watercolor class schedule... Separate from your other stuff ... They mesh on the computer screen, but you can make the watercolor class schedule public and embed it in your web site if you wish.

Catherine said...

Gwendolyn, I'm going to look into that. I was telling myself that I am not on the computer enough to have the notices work for me - but I am. Having my class schedule on it would be great. Thanks!