Almost the last of all the flowers. They're fading fast. I haven't kept up with weeding and dead-heading like I should, but I have enjoyed the garden anyway. It is bright and colorful, and if you don't look too closely, it looks pretty good.
A friend stopped by yesterday and we sat in the yard and painted for awhile. We didn't paint the weeds or the spent blossoms., we just saw the beauty in the colors. The good news and the bad news - I don't always see things that need attention.
This was another painting in my new Aquarius II sketchbook. I am a few pages into it and I would use this paper again.
It's the Labor Day Weekend. Wow - wasn't it just the fourth of July!? We have no big plans. We have a list of house and yard projects a mile long, but we'll have to have a little fun too - it is a holiday after all. Having a little fun could mean going to the Home Depot and Lowes three times a day instead of just twice.
A friend stopped by yesterday and we sat in the yard and painted for awhile. We didn't paint the weeds or the spent blossoms., we just saw the beauty in the colors. The good news and the bad news - I don't always see things that need attention.
This was another painting in my new Aquarius II sketchbook. I am a few pages into it and I would use this paper again.
It's the Labor Day Weekend. Wow - wasn't it just the fourth of July!? We have no big plans. We have a list of house and yard projects a mile long, but we'll have to have a little fun too - it is a holiday after all. Having a little fun could mean going to the Home Depot and Lowes three times a day instead of just twice.
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