Violets in the backyard with the sun shining on them. The SUN! It feels wonderful! We've had the bedroom window open a crack for the past few nights. In the morning we can hear the birds singing. At night we can hear the raccoons stomping around on the roof outside our bedroom windows. And I swear I can hear the deer chomping on the crocus blossoms (the white ones, not the purple). We live in the city - this is not exactly the wilderness here.
I love this time of year when little green things start to poke up out of the soil. Some things I am anxious to see if they survived the winter, and some things I don't even remember. Maybe the critters planted them.
Loved the violets--we are down in the Smokies right now and I just painted some wildflowers including violets--but not quite as fine as yours! Sorry about your "slow" treatment in Michigan last week:-)
Marj. M.
Marj., it must be beautiful in the Smokies right now. I am anxious to see your wildflower paintings. Please bring them along when you come north this summer.
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