Oranges and Violets

Don't we all start thinking about what we are going to be doing in the new year while we are trying to wrap up the old year AND celebrate Christmas? There must be a better way to do it - like businesses and governments have a fiscal year that has nothing to do with the regular calendar year. It wouldn't work. It's not natural. There is something about the rhythm of the year since the beginning of time. I'm not gonna mess with that.
Food Blog Continued
Carol C, this one's for you. This is the original in my mom's handwriting, with food spills and notes I have made. They are not beautiful cookies, but they are THE Christmas cookies in our family.
Winifred Olds ("recipe from . . .") had a local TV show back in the 50s and 60s in Lansing, Michigan, where I grew up.
If you can't read the writing (and here I am assuming that you'll want to) just let me know and I'll fill you in.
Oh - by the way - that isn't 23 teaspoons of anise seed! It is a 3 crossed out with a 2 beside it. If you like anise, use three, two really isn't enough if you like the taste.
Winifred Olds ("recipe from . . .") had a local TV show back in the 50s and 60s in Lansing, Michigan, where I grew up.
If you can't read the writing (and here I am assuming that you'll want to) just let me know and I'll fill you in.
Oh - by the way - that isn't 23 teaspoons of anise seed! It is a 3 crossed out with a 2 beside it. If you like anise, use three, two really isn't enough if you like the taste.
Year 55

The tree is decorated, I made no-bake cookies (they aren't cookies!) and some Chex Mix, and a batch of English toffee. I'm in the mood. Tomorrow I will shop!
Notice how easily I slip into food blogging? I should at least be sketching this stuff!
Almost Finished

I finished up this demo for the Wednesday class. To give credit where credit is due, the class had a lot of good input and together we finished the painting. I'm still thinking I'll put a scraggly little pine in there to the right of the lone tree. I want to break up that space a little so the lake is not so evenly divided.
I found myself thinking about how I would do this painting in acrylic as I was doing the watercolor. In today's class we got to talking about acrylic painting, and now I am itchy to do some again.
The wind is blowing tonight and sounds very wintry. We have our Christmas tree up with the lights on it, but no ornaments yet. I did a batch of English toffee yesterday, and one batch of cookies today. I'm getting in the spirit. Oh yeah - I have to shop, don't I!
I found myself thinking about how I would do this painting in acrylic as I was doing the watercolor. In today's class we got to talking about acrylic painting, and now I am itchy to do some again.
The wind is blowing tonight and sounds very wintry. We have our Christmas tree up with the lights on it, but no ornaments yet. I did a batch of English toffee yesterday, and one batch of cookies today. I'm getting in the spirit. Oh yeah - I have to shop, don't I!
Cynthia's Lavender Jelly

I didn't come close to capturing the beautiful color, transparency, and reflected light in this jar of lavender jelly. I really enjoyed trying. The real thing just glistens like a jewel. Ummm, maybe I should have taken a picture of the real thing instead of showing you how I missed the mark. However, to me, the purpose of my journal is to experience things, not render a perfect painting.
. . . and, I am way off on the shape. Okay, some days are like that. Enjoy the journey and move on.
Cynthia's jelly is too beautiful to eat, but I happen to know how delicious it is, so of course we will eat it.
Thanks, Cynthia!
No, I haven't forgotten.
Just when I was on a roll. Now I am back to my old ways of blogging intermitently it seems. We are spending a few days having some family fun.
I hope to get in a little sketching time, but you know - best intentions. We'll see.Thanks to all of you for reading and commenting on the November blogging. I appreciate all your nice comments!!!!
Work in Progress

I started this demo in class this morning, working form the sketch I showed here. The class made me promise not to touch it until they could watch next week. That's so hard! Do you think they would notice if I play with it just a little? It is at the point now where everything feels so wrong because it is so unfinished.
We are getting the snow that is being predicted for today and tomorrow. It is just gray and white outside and I can't see the Bay. They are talking about one to two feet - not inches - FEET. I wonder if tomorrow's class will be able to make it. I hope so! I had better go work up a demo for them. AND I'm out of reading material, so I guess I'll email my librarian husband and ask him to bring me home a book or two. It makes me panic to think of being snowed in without a good book!
Have you tried chai tea with a little chocolate in it? Yum!
Stay safe and warm.
Mid-morning Snack

This is an almost-blind-contour drawing done in ink and prisma color pencils.
I was going to do a little bit more serious painting ( there are MANY degrees of seriousness, you know) of this mini still life, but once I warmed up with the contour drawing I thought I would just do some color on it and call it good.
Now I am going to go get a sketch ready for tomorrow's class. I want to do a landscape demo for them to get everyone back in the groove after a week off.
I could use a little getting back in the groove too. I am going to paint more and eat less.
I can't go to bed without blogging. It's like brushing my teeth - I can't sleep if I haven't done it.
This is what it looked like here this morning. A winter wonderland. This is taken out our front window. We live on a corner and it seems to be some kind of a snowplow hub - they go around and around, very fast and very close.
My friend Karen called to see if I wanted to go to the new thrift store. "Nooo, I'd have to leave the house!" "Five minutes", she said. I scored a great find - a book on nature journaling that I had been borrowing from various friends for a couple of years. $2.50 and it looks like new. It pays to leave the house once in awhile.
Another painting plan.

This is a sketch I did a couple of years ago. Often, as with this sketch, when I'm working out a composition problem I make notes on the sketch of what I'm thinking. I not only talk to myself, I also write to myself. Whatever it takes.
This little sketch has at least five "patches" on it where I have corrected and adjusted. I have tried this cottage several times and it never comes out the way I intend for it too.
Maybe I'm just not making myself clear when I'm writing to myself.
Our leftovers are gone and our fridge is bare. I guess this is it - the end of a nice long weekend. It is snowing outside and we are expecting a few inches. It is going to look quite Christmas-y by morning, and I'll start gearing up for the next holiday. Oh - this is the end of blog-every-day also. I made it!
Value Sketch

By the way - we ate the persimmon. I guess it is one of those gender things like zucchini because the girls liked it the guys didn't. We girls were glad the guys didn't like it - more for us. It's gone now. You won't have to hear about it any more.

I'm playing around a little bit with Picnik.com it's kind of an online "photoshop" type thing and it's free. AND it's fun. AND it's easy. I run all of my photos through it for my blog to size them, correct color and lighting, and crop.
It was a pretty quiet day here today. Nothing to "report", but it is day 28 of blog-everyday-for- the-month-of-November, so I had to post something. I told you I was going for quantity, not quality.
It was a pretty quiet day here today. Nothing to "report", but it is day 28 of blog-everyday-for- the-month-of-November, so I had to post something. I told you I was going for quantity, not quality.
Ready for the Oven

We went along with the rest of the country tonight and had pizza for dinner. I have read that this is the biggest pizza buying night of the year. Who is going to disturb the balance of their kitchen fixing a little insignificant meal while orchestrating a Thanksgiving feast there?
Wishing you all a very nice Thanksgiving with great things to eat, a little nap, and someone to help you clean up the mess.
Silver Spreader

No time for painting today. I'm getting ready for Thanksgiving - getting out the napkins, table cloth, washing the glasses, cooking the squash . . . and getting prepared to HAVE HELP tomorrow. The grandkids are coming over late in the afternoon and I may as well put them to work, right? However, I have to be very prepared for that or it could be chaos. Fun chaos, but chaos just the same. I polished some silver and put it back in the drawer because I know the girls like to "choose" and count it out when they set the table.
Our oldest grandson is going to spend the night and help make pies. My mother and my daughter always did the pies the night before Thanksgiving. Always. For years. She (daughter, not mother) wouldn't even let her boyfriends come over "Thanksgiving Eve" because that was pie night with Grandma. Now we are on to the next generation - oh my gosh! I'M the grandma!

This is a watercolored ink contour drawing done in my journal.
I have never done stamping in my life, but for some reason I felt as though I really NEEDED alphabet stamps. When I was picking them out, I must have looked baffled, because a young mom came along and said, "Oh, are you just getting started in this? Here, you need this and this and . . ." When she went to another aisle I just picked up the alphabet and a stamp pad and headed for the checkout. I don't need more stuff and I don't need more stuff to do - but how sweet of her.
It has been snowing all day today. It really is quite pretty. I felt very holiday-like as I cleaned the fridge.

This is an old sketch - February of 2001. I just googled the Fish Hopper and it is still there and apparently still serving the fabulous clam chowder in a sourdough bowl. That was a great lunch and it was a beautiful day. If you can't make it out to Monterey some time soon, at least read John Steinbeck's Cannery Row and Sweet Thursday or watch the movie Cannery Row. The music is wonderful - big band and the Brandenburg concertos.
My husband suggested tonight that we take the train to California. I don't know. Three days each way. We've done 26 hours on the train, but I don't know about three days. Of course it took us two whole days to get home last time we FLEW.
Okay - so - the turkey. Tomorrow he goes into the fridge to thaw. That means I have to clean out the fridge. Not that it needs it!
My husband suggested tonight that we take the train to California. I don't know. Three days each way. We've done 26 hours on the train, but I don't know about three days. Of course it took us two whole days to get home last time we FLEW.
Okay - so - the turkey. Tomorrow he goes into the fridge to thaw. That means I have to clean out the fridge. Not that it needs it!
Mustard Pot

This is a watercolor done in my journal - aquarius II paper.
I found this blue and white pot at the Salvation Army thrift store. 50 cents. Just setting there waiting for me to take it home for my colored pencils.
I find it hard to turn down blue and white objects. I seem to find them in strange places in the thrift shops - not with like things. As if someone had carried them around, decided against them, and just put them down where ever. That is my mission in life - to be the blue and white china rescuer.
These are the kinds of things one talks about when one has to blog every day for a month.
Winter Sky

No wonder some of our friends are jumping ship and heading south - it's COLD here - 18 degrees.
I did make room in the freezer for that turkey. I guess I didn't need to bother - he would have been just fine on the back porch. Now I hope I don't forget to take him out of the freezer Monday and put him in the fridge to thaw. For years we had a fresh turkey, and when we started getting frozen ones, the thawing step of the prep completely slipped my mind. Just another turkey story. We all have a lot of those, don't we. Leave a turkey story in the comments if you have one (of course you do), we'd love to hear it.

After the class left I did a pencil sketch of the squash. There are those wedges again - love those wedges.
Apples and Oranges

Comparing apples to oranges.
This is just a quick little sketch in my journal of some fruit on the kitchen counter.
That orphan apple to the left is driving me nuts. The color didn't look that "off" to me in real life. It's a sketchbook, okay? Move on.
My Wednesday class met for the first of eight classes for this session. They want to work in series or themes again. That's fun to do and of course we get more involved in the study of something that is personally meaningful. I think the creativity carries on in our daily lives.
FYI the turkey is still frozen.
Sky and Turkey

As I was going through old lessons and demos getting ready for this week's classes, I came across these cloud demos I had done for a Water and Sky workshop. Well, we won't be doing water and sky - unless we want to do snow.
The weather has put me in the mood for Thanksgiving. Or maybe it was all the things on sale at the grocery store that did it.
I bought the turkey. I don't have a place to put it. Right now it is on the back porch. It is only 26 degrees out there, so it'll be okay until I make a spot for it in the freezer. Will it be okay out there for a week!? Probably not a good idea. What was I thinking.

I'm getting a few things together for the art center Holiday exhibit and sale. I'm taking boxes of cards and small paintings - about 25 items.
Other than listing items and putting on the tags, I'm ready to go - two days early!
We had snow all day. I had a meeting downtown at five, and could not bring myself to walk down and back in the COLD. I probably spent as much time cleaning off the car as I would have spent walking, but I would have had to walk home in the dark UP the slippery HILL. I've said it before - I am all about comfort.
So tomorrow I'll tag everything and list it, then get things together for my classes. It's good to have a plan, huh? I'll do some laundry and maybe go to the grocery store. Maybe I'll paint a little. Since I accepted the challenge to blog everyday in November, I'll let you know how I do on the to-do list.
More Persimmon

Persimmon Art
I don't know what it is about this fruit, but I am absolutely fascinated by it. Well, I do know what it is - it's the color for one thing - with a little yellow in the highlights and a little blue in the shadows. The green of the leaves is such an earthy green. The center/stem is just a mixture of the fruit color and the leaf color together.
The texture of the fruit is SMOOTH and shiny, but with kind of a dusty residue on it.
I am FAR from being a mathematician, but there is some Fibonocci thing going on here with the shape and size and position of the leaves and stem. They make a fantastic pattern when they are all lined up in a display. I only bought one ($1.48), but I did a little sketch on the journal page of how I remember them looking there in the produce department . They were in a slanted bin.
The colors I used were pyrol orange, hansa yellow, manganese blue, and a little quinacridone gold.
Okay. I guess that's it for my obsessing over the persimmon. I may still obsess, but you won't have to hear about it.
Hmmm - how do we tell if it is ripe?
The texture of the fruit is SMOOTH and shiny, but with kind of a dusty residue on it.
I am FAR from being a mathematician, but there is some Fibonocci thing going on here with the shape and size and position of the leaves and stem. They make a fantastic pattern when they are all lined up in a display. I only bought one ($1.48), but I did a little sketch on the journal page of how I remember them looking there in the produce department . They were in a slanted bin.
The colors I used were pyrol orange, hansa yellow, manganese blue, and a little quinacridone gold.
Okay. I guess that's it for my obsessing over the persimmon. I may still obsess, but you won't have to hear about it.
Hmmm - how do we tell if it is ripe?

I never bought a persimmon before in my life, but when I went to the grocery store with a friend today and we came upon a display of persimmons, I just had to take one home.
The check-out girl said, "So what is this, some kind of tomato?"
Me: "No. It's a persimmon."
C-O girl: "What do you do with it?"
Me: "I don't know."
Friend:"She's going to paint it."
C-O girl: "Paint it? What do you mean paint it?"
Me: "You know - paint it - as in a still life."
C-O girl: "Couldn't you just get a tomato or somethin'?"
My friend thinks this is hilarious because she saw how crazy I went over the display of persimmons. You had to be there.
Persimmon "art" coming soon. This photo was all I could manage tonight.

Some friends came over today and we played with paper all day long. We made some slip cases for sheets of watercolor paper folded into "sketchbooks", and made little bitty paper boxes, and accordion fold 10 panel folders. and of course ate muffins and coffee cake.
What a nice relaxing day!
We never outgrow our need for play dates.
What a nice relaxing day!
We never outgrow our need for play dates.
Kitchen Still Life

Another kitchen subject in my journal.
I love that red whisk.
Today was the last day of this session for my Thursday class, but we start up again next week.
It was so dark today that when the class left at 3:30 it felt like evening. I thought about curling up with the cat and a good book before I started dinner, but I decided to do a journal page instead.
So now I think I'll go read my book. Something by Ruth Rendell - a murder mystery.
I have a play date tomorrow with some artist friends. If we do something creative, I will have something to post tomorrow. If we don't, I'll post anyway. This is day 13 of blog-every-day-for-a-month. It doesn't get any easier. How do people do it that blog everyday all the time? Why do any of us blog anyway? I've decided it is like any hobby - it really doesn't need a good reason.
From My French Journal

Everything I did today turned out - well - blobby. I did some small landscapes that just got out of hand. I tried doing a monotype and after I spent all that time inking it, I got the paper too wet and it turned into a blurry mess. I can't say I didn't enjoy myself though. I enjoyed every minute of the process.
The journal page here is from my French journal from 1993. 1993! Wow! Really!? How time flies. This is what started the whole "journal thing" for me.
My daughter and I had a conversation today about how writers have to write (she's a writer) and painters have to paint. It's "in there", and you have to do it. Of course there is writer's/artist's block, but it's always temporary, and we keep pluggin' on. Even if it's a blobby mess.
In yesterday's post I was trying to decide about the foliage in the left hand corner of the painting I posted. The studio fairies didn't take care of it after all, so I did.
Apparently my muse has left the building and taken the studio fairies with her. That's okay. I have plenty of paintings waiting to get out, whether she's here or not.
Memorial Garden

Now when I look at it, I'm wondering if the foliage needs to come down a little lower in the lower left hand corner, and maybe there should be a few more trees. I'll see what I think about it in the morning. Who knows - maybe the studio fairies will do something with it overnight. Isn't that why things sometimes look different to us in the morning?

It has been a windy, snowy, cold couple of days - and to think a few days ago we had 70 degrees! Oh well.
We spent a few days with family here, and now it's back to work. I'm working on a painting I plan to finish tomorrow.
This is a line drawing done on Bogus Rough Sketch paper. I actually did it a year or so ago, but since I have nothing new to post, and an interior seemed appropriate right now when we are all cozy inside with winter threatening outside - this is it.
I still have a few more spaces in my upcoming watercolor classes.
Happy Faces
Scribble Figures

Also worked on some compositions and lesson plans for classes and did my grocery list. Not bad for an hour, huh.
It has been a busy couple of days and I'm heading for bed. Maybe sometime during this blogging challenge in November I will manage to do a quality post. We'll see. Right now I am after quantity.
It has been a busy couple of days and I'm heading for bed. Maybe sometime during this blogging challenge in November I will manage to do a quality post. We'll see. Right now I am after quantity.
Watercolor Classes
beginning November 19th and 20th.
Please check out the information at my class sight.
Please check out the information at my class sight.
Does this qualify as a post? Sure. Day 7 of blogging every day in November.
View From The Waterfront

I went down to the waterfront this morning and walked the bike trail for about thirty minutes and then painted this watercolor sketch in my journal. This is a view looking up toward town from the waterfront. I could have stayed down there and painted all day - except I was very hungry and I was teaching a class at 1:00. I hadn't painted in my sketchbook in a couple of weeks and it felt good.
That could be it for outdoor painting. We may have snow in a few days. I am not into painting outside in the winter. I'm all about comfort.
That could be it for outdoor painting. We may have snow in a few days. I am not into painting outside in the winter. I'm all about comfort.
Mason Jars

Too Tall. Too skinny. Too monochromatic. Too . . .
Day 5 of blogging everyday, so it's something. This was a quick demo (I say that because if you don't think it's well done, you'll think it is because it was "quick"). This was done for a student today that is doing a still life with a couple of Mason jars in it. Or are they Ball Jars?
Today was the last class of this session for the Wednesday group. I will be offering more classes that will begin November 19th. We'll have three holidays in there to work around. No problem - it'll just make the session last longer.
Another spring-like day here today. Just beautiful. I thought this afternoon I should go outside and paint, but it really isn't very pretty out there. It's quite brown. That's no excuse. Tomorrow morning I will go outside and paint some seed pods or something. Anything. I shouldn't be wasting this beautiful weather.
California Dreamin'

Today's warm temperature with the November slant of the sun felt like California in the fall to me. I am not excited about the Michigan winter coming on, and I'm missing the California kids. California Dreamin'.
This is a sketch I did in my journal the last time we were in San Jose.
We went to vote early this morning about 8:00. We missed the big, long line that was there earlier. In fact there was really no line at all while we were there.
I didn't get too far with my to-do list today. I have classes Wednesday and Thursday, kids Friday and Saturday, and in-laws Sunday and Monday. I have three baskets of laundry to fold, meals to plan and shop for, and I really should get a little painting done! The laundry can stay in the baskets. We can eat at McDonalds (KIDDING!). I'm just gonna paint. I WILL have something new to show you tomorrow.
Now I am going to watch the election coverage.
Now We Know How to Vote
A Last Minute Look at the Candidates
Through the eyes of our second grade granddaughter:"So we were watching this thing about the candidates. John McCain looks . . old. But not too old - he's still alive. I think he'd be okay."
"Obama!" Big smile. "Obama has hair just like my daddy's. But I don't think he'd do as good a job as John McCain."
I hope this helps if you are still trying to decide.
The Neighborhood Map

This was my creative endeavor today. I helped Middle Granddaughter make a map of her neighborhood for a school assignment. We used watercolor, Pitt Brush Pens, acrylic gold paint, and sand. I really thought we could use a little glitter here and there, but I didn't have any.
What kind of a grandma doesn't have glitter?! I don't think I ever had any glitter in my life, but I have three granddaughters - I really should have some glitter.
More Pears

This is a very small painting of pears (I hope you already knew that - the "pears" part) done from the pencil sketch in the previous post.
I like the pencil sketch much better than the painting.
I have signed up again this year for the NaBloPoMo challenge, which translates somehow to "blog everyday for a month." Don't asked me why I do this, but if you go back to my posts of November, 2007, you'll see I actually did it - and it was fun! So here I go again.
We have sunshine! So I think while I have a grandson here to help, we will go out and pull out all the old dead stuff from my cutting garden and get it ready for winter. We are also putting up storm windows. A friend from Louisiana asked, "What are storm windows?" Ahhh, to live in a climate that is ignorant of such things! Of course they do have more than their share of STORMS, but I guess extra windows wouldn't help!

More art from the kitchen. These pears were drawn on a brown paper (Nideggen) which has a line-y texture to it. I wonder if there is a smooth drawing paper in a brown color. I like the color of Nideggen and Bogus Rough, but I really enjoy drawing on a plate finish. If anyone knows of any, I'd love to hear about it.
We had a little snow here and there this morning. Too much for me! I do live in Northern Michigan, and I don't see myself packing up and leaving any time soon, so I'd better just bake some cookies, make some hot chocolate, and get over it! I DO keep trying to make this a food blog, don't I?
We had a little snow here and there this morning. Too much for me! I do live in Northern Michigan, and I don't see myself packing up and leaving any time soon, so I'd better just bake some cookies, make some hot chocolate, and get over it! I DO keep trying to make this a food blog, don't I?
Watercolor Figures
These were really fun to do. I did them after watching a Skip Lawrence DVD. They're quite addictive.
Class participants have been especially involved and connected this week with their subjects. I love that! They are each working on a "theme" or series for the entire six weeks. After painting on location all summer, I felt we needed a challenge to keep us going into the colder months - something more stimulating than a still life set up by me.
So . . . maybe after doing these little figures, I can see them being worked into some composition lessons in our next session.
Class participants have been especially involved and connected this week with their subjects. I love that! They are each working on a "theme" or series for the entire six weeks. After painting on location all summer, I felt we needed a challenge to keep us going into the colder months - something more stimulating than a still life set up by me.
So . . . maybe after doing these little figures, I can see them being worked into some composition lessons in our next session.

All the wonderful fall colors out there and I am drawing in pencil! I have been very interested in lights and darks / contrasts lately - even more so than usual.
It has something (or everything) to do with the angle of the sun as the season changes. Maybe I am subconsciously soaking up as much light as I can before our dark winter settles in.
It was sunny here today and I worked in the yard a bit - bringing in pots before they freeze and break. My husband doesn't understand how one person can possibly need all those pots, but there is something about them waiting there for me on the back porch that I really like. It seems hopeful - like planting bulbs in the fall.
Okay, now I am off to paint little figures. I watched a Skip Lawrence dvd with some friends today about painting simple little figures. What fun - I can see filling up some spare (?!) time playing with that!
Pond Hill Farm

Relaxing in the Pool
This is the life, huh? Just waddle around in a little pool in the sunshine. I did this small painting from a reference photo I took this past summer. I just loved the way the sun was shining on his very white feathers. This time of year it's fun to paint a little bit of summer. I must admit, it has been pretty here - the leaves are beautiful and the clouds are so dramatic in the fall. Each season has so much to offer.
I did this painting from a photograph I had taken one morning as the sun came in the east window. There is nothing like the morning sun on a still life - but it is so fleeting.
This is a small painting - about 6 X 10 - done on Arches 140 cold press. I don't like the surface texture of Arches now. "if it ain't broke . . ." So why did they change it? And why didn't they ask ME? No one ever does.

I just PAINTED today, and it felt GOOD! I didn't do anything else.
Not much anyway.
These little paintings didn't scan very well, but I'm posting them because I don't know what to do to make them scan any better.
There is something about fruit wedges that I just love - from all angles.
I have another painting I did today and will see how it looks to me tomorrow. If it looks finished, I'll post it then.
It was 79 degrees here today!!! Beautiful. I'm not sure it reached 79 all summer, did it?

Small Sunflowers painted in my Aquarius II journal.
My friend, Cathy, stopped at the farmers' market and picked up these sunflowers, and thinks this might be the last of them. We had a good time painting them, and hope we gave them the attention they deserve as some of the last of the season's flowers.
In keeping with my kitchen theme, I should have painted these in the kitchen, but the vase is from the kitchen and the blue and white gingham napkin in the photograph is kitchen-ie - so close enough, huh.
Another in my Kitchen Series.
This contour sketch (the pen stays on the paper for the whole drawing) was done with a Pitt Pen and white Prismacolor pencil on Nideggen paper in my sketchbook. I love the look of black and white on this paper.
It's been very quiet here today. I had a to-do list longer than my arm, and I knew I would never get through it all, but I did make a dent. I'm ready for tomorrow's class. It will be nice to have contact with the outside world - the phone didn't even ring today, and I only went outside to put out the garbage!
Now I'll knock off a couple more things on the list, get in my jammies and watch the presidential debate. It is, as they say, like watching a train wreck. But I can't complain if I don't know what to complain about.
This contour sketch (the pen stays on the paper for the whole drawing) was done with a Pitt Pen and white Prismacolor pencil on Nideggen paper in my sketchbook. I love the look of black and white on this paper.
It's been very quiet here today. I had a to-do list longer than my arm, and I knew I would never get through it all, but I did make a dent. I'm ready for tomorrow's class. It will be nice to have contact with the outside world - the phone didn't even ring today, and I only went outside to put out the garbage!
Now I'll knock off a couple more things on the list, get in my jammies and watch the presidential debate. It is, as they say, like watching a train wreck. But I can't complain if I don't know what to complain about.
The Last of the Zinnias

This is a small painting of a very small bouquet of zinnias and cosmos on the table in the late afternoon sun.
It is done on illustration board which sucked the paint up immediately and made it impossible to soften any edges.
This painting is part of my kitchen series in conjunction with the themes we are working on in my watercolor class.
Rainbow Vegetables

They are beautiful. aren't they. The recipe can be found here.
I served the vegetables with a maple marinated pork loin which was a big meaty looking hunk of meat to someone who doesn't eat a lot of meat. However, it was very good, and for the first time in my life I cooked a piece of pork without completely ruining it.
It was a nice weekend - a little yard work, a trip to the bookstore, a trip to the library, a midget football game (only rained on us a little bit), a birthday celebration for one of my husband's co-workers . . .
Tomorrow I plan to finish up a small painting and get started on a commission. I'll get busy and get some paintings posted and quit pretending that this is a food blog.
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