It was too wet this morning for the watercolor class to paint outside. I brought in a few pots of flowers and the class did a great jog of painting with analogous colors and applying rich, juicy colors.
In the afternoon the Watercolor Journal Class met at Memorial Gardens in Bay View. There are lots of things to paint there - flowers, birch trees, cottages, the Bay . . .
The small journal page (above) is the demo I did today. We worked on "Blob and Smoosh" (it's in the book!) and talked a little bit about composition. The people in the photo are the wonderful artists in the journal class.
Hi Catherine, This is Pat Curry from Bay City. I just finished your watercolor sketchbook class in Bay View. What a wonderful time I had! Your teaching is the wonderful, and you seemed to be as tickled about our successes as we were!
I'd like to e-mail you some photos I took of your demos, etc. if you will e-mail me with your address.
My e-mail is patcurry@xonk.org
Thanks again!
This is a lovely sketch. Ok, thati's it. Your book is now on my wish list!
Thank you both for such nice comments!!!
And thanks, Pat, for sending the photos.
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