
Summer Kick-Off

Watermelon Demo in my Sketchbook
Friday June 15th was my Summer Kick-Off Journal Workshop.  We had about ten very talented participants.  And for the first time ever, the weather was consistent and nice  -  a little hot, but not bad.

I have been busy with family fun the past couple of weeks.  The California grandkids are here, and we have been making the most of every minute.  We've done cousin get-togethers, Aunt and Uncle get-togethers, graduation parties, birthday parties ETC!!!

This week  I have two 8-week watercolor sessions starting, and four afternoons of watercolor journal.  Summer is officially underway, and I'm lovin' it!

What have you been sketching.  What are your summer sketching plans?


A Burger at "The Counter"
I did this sketch at a burger place in California.  It was just one of the many great restaurants we went to.  We really did eat too much, but then again, whose to say how much is too much?   We had a great time, AND we brought the California grandkids home with us.  Last night we got all the cousins together for pizza and craziness.  I love it.

Next week, Friday, I will hold my Summer Kick-Off Journal Workshop.  Summer will begin in earnest then with classes and workshops.  I'm not sure I can get a handle on the jungle in our backyard by then, but oh well.  I was hoping the garden would look pretty good, but while we were gone the rain grew everything to jungle-like proportions, and the deer ate the tops off everything.  It's okay.  This is gonna be a no stress summer  -  lots of classes, lots of fun.  I'm getting my sketching/painting things together as we speak.  Ho about you?


Pizza My Heart

A Watercolor Sketch of Lunch on the First Day of June
and the first day of summer vacation

This was a fabulous pizza (aren't they all?)  -  green apple, sausage, bacon, pepperoni, green onion, and Gorgonzola!!!  The special of the day at Pizza My Heart in Willow Glenn, CA.

Every trip has to have something hysterically funny happen or it's not a real trip.  My husband put his money clip on a table and went in to take a shower.  The kids' huge collie chomped up the money, some cards including insurance cards and DRIVERS LICENSE!!!  He mercifully left the debit card intact, and we think the drivers license is intact enough to get back through security.  He really only ate $1 bill, so no harm done  -  well  -  maybe a little harm.

Now I 'm going to go sketch some of the beautiful herbs in my daughter's herb garden, and listen to the black phoebe sing.  It sits on the telephone wire and serenades us  -  black phoebe on a wire.  If anyone wants to steal that for a book title  -  go ahead,  I don't think I'm going to be using it.