This week marked the end of my summer classes for 2005.
I hated to see them end - however, I don't know if I could keep up the pace all year. Now I will have to go through that transition of BUSY AND SCHEDULED to just busy and scheduled. Well - a little scheduled. I know I need some structure, but let's not over-do it.
I just love all of the people I interacted with all summer. I get very attached to them although I have a terrible time remembering who is in what class.
I have a commission to get going on, and I have a zillion paintings in my head.
For the past few days I have been getting my Fall Class mailer ready to go. It is so time consuming. I used to do just a flyer, now I do a post card, email, and a website. I don't think it takes any longer to do than it did to lay out a flyer.