


 Simple Figures
 Often I will have my students choose a theme/topic/subject and work on it for several weeks.  They will work through the whole process of being inspired by a theme,  keeping their eyes open for their theme, sketching, working out the composition, planning the value pattern, and then, finally, getting right down to it and doing the painting.  By the time they get to the painting, they are pretty inspired, have a plan, and it comes together pretty easily.

In my post of November 28th, I mentioned a few themes. This week was the beginning of a new eight-week session, and I handed out a list of ideas or thought starters.  I don't want to bore you with the whole list, so here's the short version:
Light and shadow
A place
Every view from your porch
Tea, coffee, cups, pots, mugs, cafes
Chairs of all kinds
Food and anything to do with food
Weather, nature

A few of the students have chosen to do portraits, some figures, one is doing "things around my house", another is doing "portals" such as doors, windows, gates, and another is doing landscapes.  Several are still undecided, but I'm sure once they start looking around and thinking about the possibilities, they'll have trouble narrowing it down.

This is more fun and more personal than painting still lifes all winter that I set up for them.

Wow  -  I made it through November blogging every day, and here it is December 1st.  Of course I'll keep blogging - don't think I'm going to keep quiet  -  but I really don't have anything interesting enough to blog every day.  Thanks for putting up with me throughout November.


  1. I first saw this post in the mini-window on my blogger dashboard. The little people were calling out to me -- and I immediately thought - wow I've just got to see this image bigger and see what she has said. These are lively figures! I wish I could figure out how to sketch/paint them myself. One of my art goals for the year was to do more people -- but I haven't done very many. I think that the idea of doing people intimidates me! Any hints?

  2. Anonymous1:53 PM

    cathrine, If you feel that November blogging was a bother,then I want more it was so wonderful to wait for the next days blog entry to see what was for that day. I'll miss Novembers daily blog and enjoy it very much.
    Thank you for all the time you put into the daily blogging.Hope your Holidays are merry and bright,

  3. Claire - I made a note to myself in my drafts to show these step by step. They are very easy.

    Thanks Linda! I won't be blogging everyday - I just don't think I could offer quality content on a daily basis. I don't want to bore anyone to death : } Wishing you merry and bright holidays also!

  4. Hi Cath,
    I have come up with several ideas for the theme. Am I suppose to pick one or several? Also, am I suppose to bring homework for your class this week? Just wonder...thanks! Brenda

  5. Brenda - we can discuss all of your ideas, but you'll want to work on one theme at a time. Bring any photos or sketches if you have them to get you started. Also, if you have worked on anything this week, we'd love to see it.

  6. Hello Cathrine,
    I just found your blog as I was searching for watercolor classes in my area and I'm so glad I did, your work is beautiful and inspiring. I live in south east Michigan and so far I haven't been able to find a watercolor painting class outside of a college that I'd like to take. If you lived closer I'd sign up for your classes in a heart beat.
    Looking forward to visiting your blog often!
