

Day Thirty

Alphabet Series
Continuing the series or theme idea, here is an example of the little alphabet sketches I did a couple of years ago.  As I mentioned in a previous post, I did the drawings from things I could actually look at.

It made me look at things in a different way.  I paid more attention to objects in my life, looking at everything to see if I wanted it for the series, and how I might place it in the very small format. 

Fun stuff like self-imposed challenges gets us going when we think we don't have anything to paint.  Don't get all hung up like I did on  how to put it on the page  - across  the page spread? Up and down in columns?  Just DO IT.


  1. Wonderful idea...must try it.

  2. That was a fun "exercise."
    Just posted some small stuff I did recently....
    The 30 days posting was fun (for us:-)...hope you will do it again.

  3. Nice work, how true. So much to paint if we only look. Your blog is very inspiring. Thank you for sharing.

  4. It is fun Balaji, and it can be done very quickly.

    Marj - i checked out your small stuff. Love it! Yes, I'll do the 30 day blogging again - next November. it was fun for me too.

    Thanks Joan! Our little ideas for little sketches can turn into large paintings.

  5. I like this idea too. It should help me break my spell of idleness.

  6. Sketch Gurl - maybe it's the time of year - I'm having a spell of idleness too. I like that phrase - "spell of idleness".

  7. I like this idea of using the alphabet to create a series of images - very effective.

  8. Knitnell - it kind of kick-starts creativity when it's lagging. And such a small commitment - it's just a tiny square.
