

Yoga/Painting Workshop

Demo in my Sketchbook
Saturday morning I did a workshop with yoga instructor, Sandi Jones.  She started off with an hour of yoga, and then I did sketchbook journaling instruction for two hours.

It was so much fun  -  everyone was so relaxed and very willing to try new things.  They painted loosely and quickly, and really let go of perfection. Maybe every painting class should start out with yoga.

I had been feeling a little stressed for the past few weeks  -  just a lot of stuff going on.  When I got home from the workshop, I stretched out on the couch in the sun, and I SLEPT for two or three hours.  It was great.  Talk about relaxed!

So here we are, into October.  I'm finally feeling ready for a new season  - was it the nap, the yoga, the beginning of October with fewer things to do?  What are your creative plans for this season?


  1. Oh, delightful picture! And I agree, Catherine, Yoga would be a great way to prepare for painting. One is relaxed and thereby attentive--what it takes to really SEE and FEEL...

  2. Hi Annie - thanks. Everyone was so relaxed - it was just free and easy and they did some wonderful little paintings. It was as if their inner critics took a hike :)

  3. I think that's it, exactly, Catherine--things like yoga, acupessure, meditation, contour drawing, all melt that inner critic down and wash it out of the system for awhile.

  4. What a wonderful sounding class! And you deserve the rest! You must take care of yourself. Love the loose look... I strive for that with every painting. I'm beginning to think of Christmas card ideas....and ways to print them without individually painting each one as I did last year.. foolish girl that I am! :)
    Thank you for your continued inspiration!

  5. Helen - take them to your local printer. They are not all that expensive and they - the printers - do a great job with all their digital equipment.

  6. What a great experience!! You should offer this workshop online!!

  7. Yeah..what Carol said!!And I love those flowers..good on ya!

  8. Girls - how are we going to do a yoga class on-line!? Skype - that's it - we'll use Skype! You know, I'm kidding, but, hmmmmm...
