

A View from Hitchcock Hall

A Watercolor Journal Sketch from Late Summer
A sketch from late summer  -  wow  -  that seems like a long time ago.  It is cold, very dark, and raining here today, and the leaves are turning.

It's fun to look through my sketchbook at the summer sketches.  Summer here is crazy-busy, fun, and beautiful.  I'm doing a pretty good job this year of moving on  -  transitioning into the quieter season.  I've been busy with classes, workshops, and family.  I always get into a nesting and organizing mode about now, but that hasn't happened yet this year  -  it still could, of course.  I hope so  -  we could use a little organizing around here.

Now I'm going to go pack up my things for a mini workshop I am doing tomorrow.  I hope you're all going to carry your sketchbooks around with you this weekend.  I hope you're going to open them and paint in them!


  1. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I smiled when I raed this,, yes its one thing to carry a sketch book but one must open and really use it!!Sometimes i'm guilty of this,, your painting is lovely and its because of you I have kept a detailed sketchbook of my summer,, I thankyou for that,,its a wonderful thing to browse through when the snow flys,,

  2. Laurie - thanks so much for your very kind comment. How nice to know I have inspired someone! Thanks for telling me.

    I absolutely love your mushrooms and woodland creatures!

  3. love the colors in this - the purples and the blues really express the feeling of the day :-)
