

Painting in Karen's Garden

Painted at the End of the Season
I painted this back on September 1st.  I needed something to post.  I could say I have been neglectful because I am saving myself for "Blogging Everyday in November".  Yeah, I'm gonna say that.

My creativity seems a little sluggish, but we all need a break now and then, so we can come back ready to go.  I played Mom to the two local granddaughters for a few days, I bought a "new" car (halleluiah!), I have gone through many boxes of Christmas decorations and pared it all down to one medium sized tote, I have done a pretty good job of putting the garden to bed, and I even got the leaves raked up and out to the curb for the pick-up  -  that was accidental, but still  .  .  .  .

I am finally getting into my autumn nesting mode and I have to go with it before it fades.  It's the only time anything gets cleaned and grubbed out around here.

How is your autumn nesting going?


  1. rontrOh my! This is so pretty (even if it is from Sept. 1st) Love the colors. Yes, we've all been busy preparing our Gardens (no matter the size) for winter! We put in a few pots of Yellow mums to enjoy until the snow comes (or they quit blooming :-) Love this time of the year--but it's too short!
    Glad you are doing the Nov. thing.

  2. I put straw on the strawberry plants, planted tulip bulbs, put the reflectors along the driveway, emptied the pond and hung the pump up to dry out. And went to the Sutton's Bay Art Walk.

  3. We are enjoying the beautiful fall colors here in the mtns of western NC. Our Carolina Blue (Cobalt Blue) skies are brilliant, but, alas, they will soon be gray and dull. So, I've put the paintbrush aside for gardening tools and camera. I'm afraid I've badly neglected our property/garden for 2 seasons and must now get things ready for winter! The camera has captured many images that will become paintings on cold winter days. And my oven door still lays in the floor awaiting the Sears man. LOL! Love your flowers, as always.

  4. MY cleaning hasn't kicked in. I do understand when I'm in the mood to clean I must because it doesn't last long.. too many things to paint. So lovely, take care,Diana

  5. Marj - thanks. Yes, this time of year is too short. It will be snowing here in a couple of weeks.

    On My Gosh Sally!!! You are putting me to shame. I was pleased that I managed to get a few leaves out to the curb!

    Helen - How are you managing without your oven?!

  6. Diana - It took me many years to realize I have to do things when I FEEL like it, or nothing gets done. I love your fall paintings! You have inspired me.
