

Lunch at the Twisted Olive

My Lunch Sketched on Arches Cover Cream Paper in My Sketchbook
Food Blogging Again
I had a veggie burger on flat bread, orzo, and hummus. The veggie burger was made with chickpeas (left whole - how did they stay together!!!???) lentils, zucchini, and carrots  -  served on Naan flat bread with tomatoes and lettuce.  I don't know why I felt compelled to give you all the details, but, there they are.

Beautiful beautiful beautiful weather here for the past few days.   It's been a busy week, and oops, I didn't go to life drawing tonight.  Maybe I need a little break from life drawing. 

Okay  -  not to overdo the food blogging, but I think I will go roast some Brussels sprouts now. 

Have you sketched some food today?


  1. Raining here today...good for the well! no painting in the garden. However, I have some walls to paint out in the big shed, so you've made me think I could take the sketch kit with me and play a little when I take a break. Good idea! Thanks.

    Love your food sketches. Roasted Brussels sprouts? Sounds like a must-try for cooler weather.


  2. Thanks suspinz - the brussels sprouts are wonderful roasted! I briefly tell how to do them in my post on 12/10/09.

    Have fun painting the walls. Good idea to take your sketch kit - you're gonna need a break : )

  3. Yes,I have been painting foods! (Also lots of Fall Wildflowers-Weeds(?)
    Love your painting--looks very appetizing!
    My small Journal is almost full-probably will need to have another one :-)
    Those roasted Brussel Sprouts are delicious :->

  4. Marj - I love your breakfast painting and your wildflowers! There is something so satisfying about filling a journal and starting a new one.

  5. Love your lunch... painting and description! You KNEW I would be reading for the description! ;)
    We are at peak of fall color in the mtns.. have been painting leaves and taking photos to give me lots to paint to keep me busy on cold winter days!

  6. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Hello Catherine, Who could not resist a lunch at a palce called the Twisted Olive and a good food menue it seems Yummo veggie burger ect. Love food blogging there should be more of it I say. Start a new daily journal style on food and recipes. Have a great day,

  7. Your work is gorgeous! I can't believe I'm only now discovering you!!

    I lived in Lansing/Mason area for about 11 yrs in the 90s..........Michigan is my favorite state!!

  8. Helen - yes, I knew you would appreciate the description : )

    Linda - The Twisted Olive is a great name, isn't it!

    Welcome Kitty! I grew up in the Lansing/Mason area (LONG before the 90s). My brother is still there. We headed north in 1978 - we love it up here.
