

In Karen's Garden

Spending an Evening Painting in the Garden

I realize we are about a month into the season, but I am still catching up on posting journal pages.

This page was done one evening sitting in the beautiful garden of my friend, Karen. We did some painting and a lot of talking. So nice!

Here we are now, five days into July. I have no classes today, so I think I will spend the day getting myself ready for the week. There are still plants unplanted, the house is pretty much a wreck, there is no food in the fridge, and it is raining. That's good! I'll clean up some projects, make a good grocery list (and shop!), and get things prepared for my two classes and a two-day bookbinding/journal workshop I'm doing this week with my friend, Cathy. She is preparing the bookmaking kits for the workshop and I am sitting here blogging. Time to get going.

I hope you take a minute to sketch something today. Two minutes. Really. You can do it!


  1. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Cathy, I finished the painting using gesso(from your class) and did a VP from Hong Kong. I'm going to try some new exercises this week using Claudia Nice instruction book. This tides me over when I can't be in your classes. I prefer the classes and the feedback though.
    Mary Lou

  2. Anonymous1:34 PM

    There is nothing I enjoy more than our painting times together.

  3. Mary Lou - someone said in class last week, "I miss Mary Lou!" Glad you are painting.

    Anonymous/Karen - Me too!
