

Pears and Persimmons

 Still Painting Pears and Persimmons  -  and a Lime
This is a small watercolor  (4 3/4 X  7 3/4).  I did the sketch viewing the fruit down the table from a standing position, drawing it as I saw it and not tweaking the composition.  The red pear in the middle was just too much of a RED PEAR IN THE MIDDLE.  Screaming for attention.  I put a little more red on the tan pear on the left, and brightened up the persimmons.  My original composition didn't have a persimmon in the lower left,  but it really needed to be there.

I used ultramarine blue, quinacridone red, and hansa yellow.  I did end up using a little manganese blue in the mix for some of the shadows. 

I'm going to try this same composition a little  (a lot) juicier, letting some of the colors and shapes bleed a bit.  This one is pretty stiff.  I might try a different triad too  -  a different combination of the three primaries.

There was an old Italian couple next to me in the produce department buying persimmons  -  I mean a HUGE bag of persimmons!  I had to ask, "What are you going to do with those?"  They looked at me and said, "Eat them."  Okay, that makes sense, but boy, are they missing out by not painting them!

1 comment:

  1. That is priceless! Your pic looks great to me! Anxious to see it when you let the colors "bleed"
    I asked a lady tonight in Hiller's Mkt. If she had any of these Clementines and were they sweet....she said "yes, but I got mine at Costco". :-) ya nafta have a sense of humor for sure!
