

Salt and Pepper Shakers Again

I hadn't done this style salt shakers yet. They weren't exciting  -  just a little different than any in my "collection".

We went to the book store before dinner, and I found a book for my husband for Christmas.  When I told the girl at the counter that this was my first Christmas gift purchase, she acted shocked.  Come on - I was really pleased to be getting at it. Don't judge me.

Our Christmas tree is up!  The lights are on.  The cat has climbed it a couple of times. We are officially into the season.  This week we have a Christmas event with my husband's library board members, and two grade school concerts - among everyday things that at times can seem overwhelming. It's okay  -  'tis the season to be jolly  -  and we are!

How are your Christmas plans coming?  Are you taking a few minutes to sketch some of your activities, ingredients, illustrate your gift list?


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Cathrine, No plans for the holidays here live alone but Im trying to follow your blog and do pages daily. Is so much fun good practice ect.Trying to add photoson pages also.
    Hope you and your family have a wonderful Holiday and a happy new year. Your bolgis wonderful to come to,

  2. Linda - the photos on your page are a good idea - a very complete journal. Happy Holidays to you too!

  3. Catherine, love your salt shakers. I'm behind in my holiday plans but it's because of the spinal headache. it's a tiny bit better so hope to get a little more done this week.. happy Christmas to you and your family,love,Diana

  4. Thanks Diana. Try to relax - no one will blame you if you let a few things go this year. Happy Christmas to you and yours also!

  5. Hi Catherine,
    I just made a vlog from Youtube that you might want to take a look at.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year of 2012!

  6. Cathrine I love your your salt and pepper shakers and bowl of salad! I like the light reflective look to your salt and pepper shakers the thin black sketch lines really make your images pop.
    I just started my Christmas shopping around the same time you did so don't feel bad. Some how it all gets done and comes together. I had to laugh about your cat climbing your tree, when we had our cat I couldn't keep her out of our Christmas tree, it was crazy.
