

Day Twenty One

A New Orchid Blossom in a New Sketchbook
I thought I should sketch the orchid blossom, because somewhere along the line I'll want to know when it started to bloom again.

Last year when I received it in February, I did a couple of watercolor sketches of it.  It bloomed until July!  I had never had an orchid like this, and I was very surprised that they bloom for months!  When it was finished, I cut the stalks back, and a new one grew  -  and here we go  -  it's blooming again.

This is a contour drawing (continuous line) done mostly while looking at the subject, not the paper.  Although I do check the paper once in awhile to make sure I'm making the right connections.  A contour sketch does take some concentration, and I must admit, I was thinking more about  the grocery run I had to make in a few minutes.  But I say any line is better than no line.

1 comment:

  1. And look how many buds the stem has. I run into trouble when I paint white-on-white. I must take a cue from your shadings.

    My hubby gave me a white phal 10-12 years ago and it's like yours. The blooms last for months. Some years of late it has produced two stalks, thus two stems of beautiful blooms. It's called the moth orchid.

    It's day 22 and you're still going strong!
