

Day Twelve

Saturday Night Pizza
Our fat, dairy, white flour, and meat splurge of the week.  We are trying to lower our cholesterol, so all week we are pretty good about sticking to a healthy diet. Saturday nights we treat ourselves to pizza.  Sometimes we make our own, but often we are in the middle of some weekend project, and suddenly we are tired and hungry, and it's time for pizza.

This weekend's project is way off track.  While we were in the middle of discussing the re-do of the kitchen and dining room, we decided to redecorate the bedroom.  We spent the day cleaning closets, painting window trim, getting rid of things that really didn't need to be in there, buying paint, going over paint chips, and looking at carpet, mudding some bad spots in the plaster, and on and on.  It was fun -  of course we aren't finished, but I'm hoping this doesn't drag on too long.  Things can do that around here. 

I hope you're treating your sketchbooks to pizza or dinner out.  I hope you're treating yourselves to a nice relaxing weekend  -  or a nice productive weekend  -  whatever feels good.


  1. Anonymous7:44 PM

    I for one could use some weekend pizza about now,, yours looks yummy. I like the sound of a bed room redo also,, that iwould like also!!

  2. I love the way in almost every one of your posts you encourage your readers to sketch something. Doesn't have to be complicated just get out the sketchbook and draw or paint something. It's really inspiring, thank you

  3. Laurie - the pizza was yummy, and the bedroom re-do is fun.

    Vix Stra - thank you! Are you carrying your sketchbook with you : ) Just feeling the weight of it in my bag makes me look at things a little more closely - there might just be something to paint.
