

Day Three

Day three of Blogging-Everyday-In-November.  I know I should be linking to the website that does this challenge  -  maybe tomorrow.

We got a lot of things discussed in class this afternoon  -  everything from the body found in the creek a short distance from here to Herman Cain's smoking ad.  Oh yeah  -  we did discuss triads and color mixing for a minute.

Now I'm going to go try to make a mushroom cream sauce using almond milk.  What do you think?  Is it possible? I'll let you know tomorrow how it comes out.  In the meantime,  sketch some little thing  -  a piece of fruit, a mushroom.


  1. Anonymous4:14 PM

    I sketched a bird today, but I think this work of yours is a stunner,, beautiful!!!
    I had my blog attacked and i had tyo start anew,, I would love if you would follow me there,, I left a trail from old one,

  2. Definitivamente este trabajo demuestra que el empleo restringido de color no es impedimento para lograr intensidad, tono, y luz. Verdaderamente muy hermoso.

  3. Laurie - Thanks! Did you lose absolutely everything on your blog? Was it just wiped out? Glad you have a new one up and running!

    Thanks Margarita - the restricted use of color really does make a pretty strong painting, but I must admit that at the very end I did throw in another red.

  4. The colors are beautiful!
    My brain always gets ahead of my paintbrush and loves (too much) color.
    Been dealing with a "hed code" (head cold) this week and haven't done much sketching and painting.
    Back to it!!!
    Lots of time with the neti-pot
    :-) :-) :-)

  5. Marj - you don't do too much color - your paintings are beautiful. Sorry to hear about your head cold - get well SOON!
