

Day Fifteen

Color Scheme
I am not really a color scheme kind of girl.  I don't like to be locked in to two or three colors in a room.  A little bit of everything feels more comfortable to me.

My husband and I saw a picture of a bedroom with a red door, and we have to have it.  I'll paint a little bed-side table the same color  -  WHEN I find it.  I don't love all reds, in fact I don't live with much red, so I'll know the perfect color when I see it.  Yesterday as I was leaving the flower shop after my volunteer flower arranging thing, I walked past the trash bin and there was this beautiful coral/red gerbera daisy.  Close.  Needs to be "rusted" just a touch, but not orange  .   .   .

This morning one of the members of one of the groups I teach in the summer called to plan out next year's schedule.  Fun.  It makes a Northern Michigan winter feel a lot less bleak when I'm planning summer lessons.  I know  -  live in the moment, but those moments are good planning moments.

How about thinking up some themes for winter sketching?  We'll talk about that tomorrow.
Carry your sketchbook. Open it. Sketch in it.


  1. Anonymous11:27 AM

    beautiful colors, my sketchbook travels with me always, I love to sketch children at play in the snow.

  2. Catherine I'm enjoying your Nov. postings. They are wonderful! I will put my sketchbook in my purse. Thanks for the inspiration. Love your work,Diana

  3. Halfway through your blog month, Catherine. I am enjoying checking in on you even tho I seem never to have time to comment. I love all these colors.......what the heck....I love all colors except the muddy ones (which I see enough of in my paintings!)

  4. Laurie - sketching children at play in the snow sounds fun, and if they are really bundled up, they can't move to fast.

    Thanks Diana. Small sketchbooks and tiny palettes make it easier.

    Katrina! You do not have muddy colors in your beautiful paintings! Your colors are very clear and transparent.
