

Lace Tablecloth

One Way to Save It.

I had a tablecloth that had belonged to my great grandmother, and I treasured it.  It didn't hold any family memories for me, although it did have a story, but doesn't everything?  I thought it was beautiful, and I often painted it in still lifes.  The linen was deteriorating, and I thought someday I would sew the lace onto a new piece of linen.  Yeah, right.  One day recently, I unfolded the tablecloth and the lace was literally falling apart in my hands.  Time to give it up.

Because I was going to throw it away anyway, I used it as a stencil to record the pattern of the lace in my sketchbook.

I've been going through things the past few days and really digging out "junk".  The more I get rid of, the more I want to get rid of.  Nice how that works. Now if I can just keep up the momentum!  


  1. Beautiful table cloth and journal page.

  2. I am so glad, Catherine, that you found a way to save that lovely tablecloth.


  3. What a lovely memory...great idea to stencil it. I have some old lace and doiles from my great,great grandmother...I have a feeling the next time I get them out I will have to do exactly what you did,,,before they are gone forever. Stencil what she made with own two hands and use her foto and make it into some kind of a collage, etc.

  4. I have a fair amount of lace from my grandmother too. I always enjoy looking at it. You've done a good job of preserving the memory without taking up much space.

  5. this is lovely and you'll be able to incorporate it in more paintings this way too... beautiful and so wonderful to save our memories. take care,Diana

  6. SUCH a pretty picture!! I wish I had your talent!!!

  7. Thanks everyone, for your nice comments!

    Cynnie - you have a great idea there.

  8. I know the feeling! I've done the same thing using lace for pochoir. I, too, am finally getting rid of "stuff" and it is a great feeling!

  9. Bonnie - getting rid of stuff really is great, isn't it? When it starts to make a difference in drawer space, cupboard space, etc, it is really fun - and addictive.
