

Winter Sky

Looking out our bedroom window to the south-east at 9:00 this morning. So dark! The light was very strange, and I didn't think it would photograph this well, but this is exactly how it looked.

No wonder some of our friends are jumping ship and heading south - it's COLD here - 18 degrees.

I did make room in the freezer for that turkey. I guess I didn't need to bother - he would have been just fine on the back porch. Now I hope I don't forget to take him out of the freezer Monday and put him in the fridge to thaw. For years we had a fresh turkey, and when we started getting frozen ones, the thawing step of the prep completely slipped my mind. Just another turkey story. We all have a lot of those, don't we. Leave a turkey story in the comments if you have one (of course you do), we'd love to hear it.


  1. My turkey story is that, the first time I made Thanksgiving dinner on my own---mid 20s, I guess--I put the turkey in at 5AM, just like my mom did, and it was ready by 9:30!!! Apparently there was a size difference between my turkey, for two, and hers, for nine!!!

  2. Carol that's so funny! Weren't you surprised? That's even too early for brunch.

  3. My father-in-law always carved the Turkey. My first attempt (I was 20) at Roasting one was memorable. Dad was looking for the stuffing in the neck cavity and instead pulled out the bag of giblets that I didn't even know existed :-)
    Marj. M.

  4. Marge - me too! I didn't know it existed either until I read "remove this bag" through the nearly transparent skin over the neck cavity of the cooked turkey.
