My mind is going a hundred miles an hour. Think how much one misses at that speed! Some people consider winter in Northern Michigan "down time", but I think of it more as breathing room. However, I am beginning to hyperventilate. There are so many things I want to do - such as update my bio, keep up with my financial database, get a new batch of notecards printed up, finish a decent sized painting per week, do a couple of small paintings per week, draw every day, get things lined up for summer so there are no surprises or missed opportunities (heaven forbid), do two workshops this winter, etc. . . I'm sure you get the picture. I'm sure you are all going through the same thing in one way or another - or several ways.
With all this, there is still a calm and peaceful feeling about this time of year. I have always liked winter in this area because of the low expectations. In the summer you are expected to do whatever it takes to get things done in the very short season, and it gets crazy ( I LOVE that craziness). In the winter everything moves at a slower pace and you never know when you might be snowed in.
What's my point? There is none. But I am working on the paintings, I am drawing every day, I am teaching three classes a week. Having said that, I guess I had better show you a painting per week, and I will post a drawing now and then. I have a stack of some pretty bad drawings, but I do have a stack. I have been giving myself permission to do bad drawings with a fat pen. I just want to keep that pen moving. I want to get that drawing information into my brain, and it slows things down for awhile so I can breath normally again.