

Here We Go.

Some of my Art Supplies
Okay.  I signed up for "blogging everyday for the month of November".  I know I'm supposed to put an official link in my sidebar, but I struggle with that process every year, and I just don't want to do that right now.  Here is the link to BlogHer if you are interested in more information about the challenge.

I started doing this in November of 2007.  I have been a very sluggish blogger for the past year, so I'm thinking maybe this will get me going again.  It didn't last year, but you never know.  Of course, I know there are bloggers that post everyday all the time, but as you know, I'm not one of them. 

I'm not promising quality posts every day, but I will try to have something relevant to an art blog once in awhile.  It may border on food  blogging now and then too.  I also have some sketches from summer that I'll dig out and post. 

One day down.