


I know I said I was going to be painting fall vegetables during the month of October, and yes, I know these are not vegetables, but it's this or nothing.  I have been trying to catch up on paper work and get my classes scheduled for next summer. and get out an email promoting my November classes.  So what's so hard about squeezing in a little painting time?

I'm not practicing what I preach  -  just paint!  Carry your sketchbook around and just paint.

We have lost a lot of leaves and gained our seasonal view of the Bay.  It's beautiful.  I'm going to work on very simple trees with my class this morning.  It is always a challenge to keep things simple when we have bare branches, yellows, oranges, and greens all on one tree.  I'm hung up on simplicity lately - on every level of my life  -  and I am not a "simplicity-kind" of person.  Gonna give it a try.