

Colorful and oh so tasty

A few days ago I did a private lesson with a student/friend and his daughter. The lesson was the daughter's birthday present - is that fun or what!? Not only did I have a great time painting with them at his beautiful home overlooking Lake Michigan, his wife fixed a fabulous lunch! As she dished up this beautiful borscht and set the soup plates on the black counter top, I just had to run and get my camera. My daughter asked if the host didn't think it was odd that I was taking pictures of her soup. I said anyone that can create a borscht that beautiful, wouldn't think anything of someone shooting a few pictures. It was unbelievably tasty too - light, a little citrusy with a hint of ginger . . . oh, this isn't a food blog?

The painting was lots of fun too! The father and daughter paint in very different styles and it was fun to see their two versions of the same scene - both with great results!


Monoprinting Again

Yet another monoprint or monotype (?) of Memorial Garden in Bay View.
I'm trying to get back in the swing of working indoors and I need a few little projects to transition not just my painting techniques, but also my brain. Doing small prints like this is almost like coloring in a coloring book - I know, it looks like it too.

I'm using too much ink and the paper was too damp. I tried bristol board this time. It's fun, it's relaxing, and it keeps the colors flowing.

My classes begin next week - Wednesday and Thursday. When my summer craziness (crazy is good) was over and the California kids left, I had a hard time with the "nothingness"! Although I did have things to do and things I was doing, it just wasn't the same. Now a few things have come along that really need attention, planning, meeting with other people, research . . . I'm gonna be okay. The momentum is beginning to roll things along, I have to pay attention to my calendar, I have to keep ahead of things a little. One of the things I have going on is with the Little Travese Consevancy.

But right now I am going to go bake a birthday cake for my sweet husband, then get ready to go to my oldest ( 9 years old) grandson's football game, then have the family over for cake and ice cream tonight.


Fall Classes

Fall Classes 2007

$105 per person for each eight-week session.

The Wednesday morning class meets from
10 a.m. to noon, beginning September 26th
The Thursday afternoon class meets from
1 p.m. to 3 p.m., beginning September 27th.

We will start at the beginning and work through the thought process of what makes a good painting, why we want to do a certain subject and how that translates into a painting. Using some of the simple rules of composition, we will be deciding what we want to "say" in a painting, and how to say it in the simplest way.

We will cover color mixing (on the palette and on the paper) and controlling the application of the watercolor on the paper.

We will study the importance of value contrasts (the lights and darks) and learn how to achieve those darks.

With the individual assistance and critique, along with plenty of demonstrations and instruction, beginners, as well as the more experienced, will be comfortable in these classes.

Feel free to contact me with ANY questions!

Please contact me at for more information or to register.
See the list of supplies suggested for this class.

Check out my class blog